Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Students To Join Refund California Protests At S.F. Banks

University of California Regents cancelled their scheduled San Francisco meeting today in the face of promised massive student protests. Despite the meeting's cancellation, the protests will go ahead. Students instead will join the Refund California mobilization in the S.F. financial district targeting banks and corporations tied to University of California Regents and California State University, CSU, Trustees. CSU Trustees will go ahead with their meeting in Long Beach at which they're expected to hike student fees for next year another nine percent. Hundreds of students are converging on that meeting.
Student activists are demanding that UC Regents and CSU Trustees with ties to banks and large financial firms endorse taxing the wealthy, reforming California's property tax cut measure Proposition 13 and rolling back fee hikes and services cuts.
Organizers laid out the schedule of events for today's S.F. protests:

*12 pm Rally at Justin Herman Plaza
*1 pm March on banks in San Francisco's financial district
*4 pm People's Assembly for public education at the State Building,455 Golden Gate Avenue

Student organizers planning action for the CSU meeting laid out the following schedule of events for the meeting at Cal State Long Beach, Chancellor's Headquarters, 401 Golden Shore Drive:

*8:30 - 9:30 am - Students arrive at meeting
*10 am - Trustees expected to vote on fee hike
*Immediately following - March on banks along Ocean Blvd, ending at Wells Fargo, 111 West Ocean Blvd