Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupation Day of Action Set for Saturday

A day of action is planned tomorrow by the Occupy movement. Here are some of those events:

* Occupy Oakland members say they will set up a new encampment in a park at 19th and Telegraph. City officials say they will not allow any new encampments. Occupy Oakland will hold a rally and march beginning at 2 pm in Frank Ogawa Plaza which they've renamed Oscar Grant Plaza.

*San Francisco NOW Code Pink and Dancing Without Borders plan flash mobs in downtown San Francisco at noon and at 2 pm in Oakland. The contact number for location details is 415.517.8814.

*Local residents plan to occupy Hendy Woods State Park in Mendocino County again this weekend. It's one of 70 state parks slated for closure because of state budget cuts.

*Local labor unions are putting on a tax the rich conference at Oakland's Claremont Middle School from 9 am to 1:30. The school is near the Rockridge BART station.