Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pray-in for Immigrant Families and the TRUST Act

Over two dozen religious leaders and immigrant activists gathered this morning on the steps of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office in downtown Oakland in what they called a "pray-in." Along with prayers they performed dances, songs, and litanies to urge Alameda County Sheriff Gregory Ahern, President of the California State Sheriff's Association, to embrace California Assembly Bill 4, dubbed the TRUST Act. This measure by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) would limit deportation of undocumented immigrants held by police in local jails for minor, non-violent offenses. Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a previous, bolder version of the bill last fall, but activists hope that the revised bill offers compromises that both the state's sheriffs and governor can accept. Laura Garzon Chica reports: